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I'll mail your cookbook order to you right away.
Apr 12, 2016 - David Holden
Just ordered the cookbook. Recipes look great - can't wait to
try them!
May 12, 2016 - HeidiI just ordered 2 cookbooks for Father's Day gifts! I cannot wait to lightly browse the recipes before giving them to my husband and father.
Jul 28, 2016 - DanI've been using many of your recipes for a few years now!
Everyone loves them and it makes back woods camping trips even
more enjoyable! Just ordered the book. Thank you for sharing!
Nov 21, 2016 - LYNDA L LAMBREMONTI just recently got "into" cast iron..I've got three beautiful Dutch ovens that I've rescued from despair 9flea Markets)and refinished. I am now "experimenting" cautiously. I've asked my husband to build an Outdoor "Cowboy Kitchen" at the ranch and these gems will no doubt serve us well; his first gift was an iron tripod to hold a pot over the fire! I'm looking forward to trying your recipes and thank you for putting things out there for we novice to learn and grow from! I have yet to have ANYTHING turn out badly from my first "magic" pot...baking is the new realm i'm stepping into.
thank you again for sharing your wisdom!
May 04, 2017 - Lesliethank you again for sharing your wisdom!
Ready to get started with DO cooking after looking at your website for several months. Finally got a DO and just ordered your cookbook. So many great tips for a newbie. Will be trying out the Cowboy Stew this upcoming Memorial weekend!
May 04, 2017 - Dutch Oven Dude@Leslie - Thank you! Your cookbook is in the mail tomorrow.
Cowboy Stew is a good one to try first.
May 11, 2017 - Aimee ColmeryMy sweet husband and I have two Dutch Ovens, a 10" and a 14" and have finally
started using and experimenting with recipes while camping. Have made up some
recipes and amended others. Such fun, like a wonderful dance for us to cook
together. We're looking forward to checking out all of your recipes and playing by
the campfire!
May 11, 2017 - Dutch Oven Dude@Aimee - Your cookbook will be in the mail tomorrow! Thanks.
Sep 27, 2017 - BondebondI have had a stovetop dutch oven for over 30 years and it has
served me well but I just got a camp dutch oven for our Trail
Life USA troop and am excited to move into this phase of DOs.
In researching how to provide good heat and other tips, your
site came up very quickly in the search results. I can tell it
is a passion for you and all of the reviews and comments are a
great testament to your love of DO cooking so I couldn't resist
buying your cookbook. Here's to many years of outdoor cooking!
Aug 24, 2021 - Carla LienI just ordered your book and look forward to receiving it and using it on Troop 5509 Campouts.
Thanks for teaching the Wilderness Survival First Aid course! I really appreciate all the hands-on opportunities to practice the skill portion of the course.
Sep 18, 2022 - Richard Dawson Thanks for teaching the Wilderness Survival First Aid course! I really appreciate all the hands-on opportunities to practice the skill portion of the course.
I just ordered your book and look forward to doing some great
cooking for our Boy Scout Troop! Thank you!
Find more Dutch Oven Resources at DutchOvenDude.com
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