Caring for your Dutch Oven
Whether you purchased a new dutch oven or inherited an ancient one, it should be still be making great food long after you and I are gone and forgotten. A dutch oven is nearly indestructible, so they should never wear out or need to be replaced. But, like every tool or utensil, dutch ovens require some preventive maintenance and care.
The main care for your dutch oven is discussed on the following pages:
- Seasoning - baking on a layer of oil to protect the metal and improve meal taste
- Cleaning - removing food bits, but leaving the seasoning layer
- Storing - protecting your oven when it won't be used for a few months
- Fixing - restoring life to an abused dutch oven
Some tips to keep in mind:
- Never allow your dutch oven to sit out in the rain or in water. It will corrode.
- Placing a dutch oven directly onto a very hot fire may warp or crack the metal. See cooking tips for advice on using your dutch oven.
- Pouring liquid into a hot oven will crack the metal.
Cook Away - Seasoning Your Dutch Oven
Sep 22, 2015 - John David McClure
Hi Dutch Oven Dude,
I love your web site--all of it with the recipes and care tips. My family of brothers and nephews and their families do a yearly campout and meals are a big part of the fun. About four years ago, I used your cowboy stew recipe and cooked up two batches in two 12" DOs. It was and is such a big hit that we have done it four years in a row, now. I keep thinking I will try another recipe because of how good they all sound but not yet!
Sep 22, 2015 - Dutch Oven DudeI love your web site--all of it with the recipes and care tips. My family of brothers and nephews and their families do a yearly campout and meals are a big part of the fun. About four years ago, I used your cowboy stew recipe and cooked up two batches in two 12" DOs. It was and is such a big hit that we have done it four years in a row, now. I keep thinking I will try another recipe because of how good they all sound but not yet!
@John - You have to branch out! I pretty much guarantee that the
Enchiladas would be a big hit too. But, Cowboy Stew is easy,
tasty, and filling.
May 23, 2016 - RobbieAfter a big flood, we found a dutch oven caked in mud by the
river and a bit of rust on it. A couple of us Eagle Scouts
were standing around the oven and thought, we're going to
have desert tonight. After an hour of removing the mud and
using up every steel scrubber we had plus three rolls of
paper towels, we slathered the oven with oil and reseasoned
it for a good 20 minutes to kill off any remaining bacteria.
We took the oven out of the fire and laid down a layer of
biscuits, followed by 2 cans of apple pie filling, then
topped it off with a 2 cans of cinnamon rolls in a lattice
pattern on top. Cooked it for about an hour. We served it up
with some Blue Bell vanilla ice cream and it was a great
campfire that night.
Find more Dutch Oven Resources at DutchOvenDude.com
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